Salary wages will not prioritize H1B Visas selection

USCIS announced that the initial registration period for the fiscal year (FY) 2022 H-1B cap will open at noon Eastern on March 9 and run through noon Eastern on March 25. During this period, those who wish to file for an H-1B visa will provide information and submit their registrations. Important change: Contrary to selection by wages, a process  previously announced by the Trump Administration,  USCIS will select  those eligible to file for H-1B visas by lottery …

Temporary Work Authorization Visa (H1B) Registrations Begins March 1

In order to apply for a Temporary Work Authorization (H1B) Visa this year you must register to start MARCH 1, 2021.  It is extremely important to get started as soon as possible.    If you need to work temporarily in the United States or have a job offer but unclear about what to do and how this process works, please …

4th Circuit Affirms Blocking of Trump Executive Order on Refugees

Today, January 8, 2021, the US Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit affirmed the preliminary injunction of the Maryland US District Court blocking the President’s Executive Order 13,888 attempting to create an “opt-in” system requiring that both a state and a locality provide their affirmative consent before refugees will be resettled there, thereby substantially burdening and blocking the settlement …

Re-Starting DACA – Filing as a Dreamer!

Thanks to recent court action, those who are eligible under the original DACA rules can now file new applications, despite the President’s executive order attempting to terminate the program. To do so, forms I-821, I-765, I-765WS must be filed with a $495 filing fee to the appropriate address. Substantial documentary evidence of eligibility must also be provided or the application …

EMPLOYERS: How to Fill out or Update your Foreign Worker I-9s

Every US employer must maintain USCIS Form I-9 for their US based employees, whether US Citizens, legal permanent residents or foreign workers. But for foreign workers, whose work authorization may be term limited, it is necessary to track and update that form when it expires. NEW HIRES: The work authorization document needs to be listed in Section 2 of the …

DHS is automatically extending the validity of TPS related documentation

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that it will automatically extend the validity of TPS related documentation for beneficiaries under the TPS designation for El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Sudan, Honduras, and Nepal for nine months through October 4th, 2021, from the current expiration date of January 4th, 2021. These are great news for all TPS employees whose employers have …

Extension of TPS Until October 4, 2021!

The Department of Homeland Security is finally acting (on December 9, 2020) to comply with a court injunction affecting TPS holders for El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Sudan, Honduras and Nepal, automatically extending their TPS status and work authorizations through October 4, 2021. Those people with expiring driver’s licenses should be able to obtain a necessary extension of their licenses until …

Donald Trump’s final blows to immigration

After 4 years of a government focused on diminishing immigration to the United States, the final days of Donald Trump have been dedicated to modifying the immigration processes for foreign travelers and workers as well as U.S. businesses. Restriction on access to H1B Visas for foreign workers, elimination of work authorization for people with suspended deportation, restrictions on travel, delayed …

Public Health Services related to Covid-19 will not affect aliens with their immigration process

Many Aliens in the U.S. have speculated about the Public Charge law that will affect their immigration processes, but there are certain cases where this law will not apply, for example Public Health Services related to Covid-19. “USCIS encourages all those, including aliens, with symptoms that resemble Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) (fever, cough, shortness of breath) to seek necessary medical treatment …

4th Circuit Further Defines Family Asylum Group

A comprehensive decision, Sandra Hernandez-Cartagena v. William Barr ( by the 4th Circuit overturning and remanding a denial of asylum by an immigration judge, affirmed by the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), affirms the legitimacy of a family unit as an appropriate social group for asylum protection. The Fourth Circuit found that the BIA’s decision denying the asylum claim was …