About Us

Steffanie J Lewis
Senior Immigration Attorney
E-mail: [email protected]
Bar Admissions: Alaska, California, District of Columbia, Virginia, US District Court: Alaska, DC, Virginia, US Circuit Ct of Appeals: Eastern & Western District Virginia, US Supreme Court
Steffanie is IBLF’s primary immigration attorney, having specialized in the field for more than 40 years, filing both family-based and labor-based petitions, appearing in Immigration Court for Baltimore, Washington, Norfolk and New York on behalf of clients, as well as filing dozens of legal appeals to the Board of Immigration Appeals, the US District Courts and Courts of Appeal, and the US Supreme Court. She is an active member of both the District of Columbia and Virginia Bars, and has represented numerous Pro Bono clients as well.
Special Expertise: Ms. Lewis has extensive experience in Asylum Litigation, Appeal and Mandamus Litigation, as well as as various aspects of regulatory law. She was General Counsel for a start-up airline and previously for a helicopter industry trade association, using her aviation and policy background, and establishing management practices for compliance with the requirements of the commercial aviation industry.
In her earlier life, Steffanie was a teacher in Connecticut, Washington state, and on the Aleutian chain in Alaska, later founding and developing a commercial air taxi business in Cordova Alaska, serving the commercial fishing industry and the transportation needs of government and private interests. Following law school, she successfully ran a commercial fishing boat in Alaska, while studying and receiving her Masters of Law in the area of Air and Space Law from the London School of Economics and London University system.
R. Brooke Lewis, Esq. (Of Counsel)
Attorney at Law
Email: [email protected]
Bar Admission: DC
Mr. Lewis is a seasoned major case litigator recently retired from the US Federal Aviation Administration, with substantial experience with insurance claim investigation and adjustment.

Albert Z Lewis Jr.
Managing Attorney
Email: [email protected]
Bar Admissions: Alaska, California, District of Columbia, US District Court: Alaska, DC, Maryland & Virginia, US Ct of Appeals: Virginia, US Supreme Court
Albert Z. Lewis is the managing attorney of the law firm, responsible for the administration, and service for the various technologies being used.
Mr. Lewis’s particular specialties are the electronic filing done with the US CIS, as well as through the ECF systems for the US District Courts, as well as EDGAR, the computer filing system for the US Securities and Exchange Commission. He also appears in Immigration Court, supervises all aspects of family-related immigration filings, and has written numerous appeal briefs for immigration and other appeals. He has represented children and adults under the Criminal Justice Act, through programs at the DC Superior Criminal Court as well as the DC Counsel for Child Abuse and Neglect.
He speaks French, some Spanish and Bambara, and served as a volunteer in the US Peace Corps in the Republic of MALI, West Africa where he established and maintained an agricultural research program near the village of Dougourakoro on the Baguineda canal.
Feifei Zhang, Esq, (Of Counsel)
Email: [email protected]
Bar Admission: New York
A graduate of the Guangdong University of Foreign Study in China, and a Master of Laws from American University in DC, Ms. Zhang has worked with IBLF for over 10 years, as an immigration paralegal before passing the bar and working with several companies and services advising on patent filings, immigration filings and business issue research.
Languages: Mandarin (native); Cantonese (native); English (fluent

Carolina León Sáinz
Senior Case Manager / International and Immigration Law Specialist
E-mail: [email protected]
Bar Admissions: Spain Bar Association
Carolina León is a specialist in international and immigration law with expertise in investment, transnational companies, high-skilled employment, as all other categories of employment-based and family-based petitions. Additionally, Ms. Leon brings many years of experience working with U.S . consulates all over the world.
In addition to her law degree, Ms. León holds three master’s degrees in different areas of the law: International Business, International Commerce and Policy, and International Immigration. She joined the International Business Law Firm in April 2003, and currently represents the firm in Europe with an office set in the south of Spain, assisted by direct connections with the Washington office and the latest technology.
Gisela Elizabeth Duque de Areinamo
Case Manager / Accounting Administrator
Email: [email protected]
- Wharton School of Business, Certificate in Quantitative Analysis
- Southeastern University – Masters in Public and Business Administration
- Universidad Andres Bello – Bachelor in Business Administration
Ms. Gisela DUQUE has worked in a variety of public and private industries, managing real estate portfolios, serving as the Budget and Planning Director for the state government in Caracas, Venezuela, as Finance and Administration Manager for government lending, and as a manager for the Banco Mercantil. She previously worked for the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington DC, and earlier for the Venezuelan Securities and Exchange Commission. She brings her broad experience to the preparation of necessary documentation for our filings with the US agencies in our practice.
Languages: Spanish, Venezuelan, English.
Next Steps…
Please contact us or schedule a consultation so that we can evaluate your questions personally.