4th Circuit Further Defines Family Asylum Group

A comprehensive decision, Sandra Hernandez-Cartagena v. William Barr (https://www.ca4.uscourts.gov/opinions/191823.P.pdf) by the 4th Circuit overturning and remanding a denial of asylum by an immigration judge, affirmed by the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), affirms the legitimacy of a family unit as an appropriate social group for asylum protection. The Fourth Circuit found that the BIA’s decision denying the asylum claim was …

4th Circuit Finds Domestic Violence can be Legitimate Asylum Claim

The Fourth Circuit issued a published decision (which means it has precedential value which must be followed by judges within the 4th Circuit) which finds a claim of asylum based on the Salvadoran government’s inability to protect a woman from domestic violence is a proper basis for a grant of asylum. The Case, (Ruth Jeanette Orellana v. William Barr (http://www.ca4.uscourts.gov/opinions/181513.P.pdf) , was …

Virginia Law Criminalizing Gang Activity Not Categorically a CIMT

 On July 19, 2019 the US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals issued its decision finding that the Virginia offense of participating in criminal street gang activity is not categorically a crime involving moral turpitude. The Virginia statute,  Va. Code § 18.2-46.2(A), which prohibits participation in a criminal street gang, is as follows: Any person who actively participates in or is a member …

Family Can Be Social Group

Family Based Asylum Claim Explained – 4th Circuit The 4th Circuit held: “The BIA and the IJ improperly focused on whether Gomez’s father and brother were threatened due to a protected reason in order to impute such protection to the whole family. This was in error. The correct analysis focuses on Gomez herself as the applicant, and asks whether Gomez …