IBLF has now changed its physical address from 1915 Eye Street NW – Fifth floor to a location just down the street on Farragut Square, same zip code (20006) on the 4th floor of the legendary Barr Building — 910 17th Street, Suite 408. Please note that this building has nothing to do with the current attorney general (William Barr) but was built in 1927 in the gothic style, named for prominent DC real estate developer John L. Barr, and is registered on the National Register of Historic places. In light of the Covid pandemic, we will continue working virtually as much as possible, but can receive clients in our new offices by appointment and with masks (!) and provide the services that we need including in-person meetings and business support. All other aspects of our business remain the same.
NEW ADDRESS: International Business Law Firm PC (IBLF PC) 910 17th Street NW - Suite 408 Washington, DC 20006-2604
We look forward to serving our clients at this new location.